
website developement

website developement

Digital presence is a must for any business, a great website is the start. We don’t pay attention to templates since we believe that there are no similar businesses, therefor; every single element, feature and detail is custom, to emphasize our client’s total satisfaction. Project discovery, ideation and information architecture, user interface design, testing and evaluation after launch are our work. Clean and secured code, our websites are easy accessed, clearly labeled, user friendly and easy to understand. Providing front-end and back-end development services working closely with our designers. Frontends are powered by HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery…; backends by Node.js, PHP, Java, .Net, MSSQL, NoSQL, and MySQL… We test and analyze in every step connecting the gaps between the design and the back-end/front-end development.

Application development

Our software Developers at DOMINATE are passionate about the technology, they are all qualified professionals with expert knowledge of database technologies and programming languages. We build mobile apps for iOS and android, desktop and web applications, all are done with a full meeting of requirements and user expectations offering better data security and protection from any unauthorized access. We are capable of providing development for the simplest to the most complex applications, recommending the best solutions that meet your requirements.

Application development
Consistent performance, online security

Consistent performance, online security

We ensure that your website looks coherent and works harmoniously across all its different elements, such as headers, footers, sidebars and navigation bars. User will have a more positive experience and carry out his tasks more quickly and efficiently. We emphasize on keeping your website well maintained, connected and updated, at the same time attracting and retaining your customers. Website security is an ongoing process and an essential part of managing a website and securing it from cyberattacks. Using HTTPS protocols, Frequent software updates, Sufficient password management, Continuous monitoring and Deploying firewalls are essential for strong security. By ensuring a well-managed hosting, software and CMS updates and security updating, we can always promise a consistent performance and online security.

User interface – UI

User Interface refers to the visual layout of the elements that a user might interact with. It is major in regard to the website productive success. UI is essential within web design to bring the interaction design principles onto digital platform. We pay a big attention to optimized UI designs so that the user can intercact as quickly and easily as possible. Our developers use a variety of analytic and testing tools to determine the most effective UI design for your website and applications to ensure easy navigation and adaptive formatting which all in all comes to productivity success.

User interface – UI
User experience - UX

User experience - UX

A good UX helps users act the way they want when dealing with your bossiness. We keep in mind the audience’s feeling, producing strong UX which present all the information and interactions to achieve people’s pleasant and make them feel good. We don’t just focus on creating products that are usable; we concentrate on other aspects of the user experience, such as pleasure, efficiency and fun too.


Branding is making a unique design for a certain product, differentiating it from other competitors, showing what it stands for and highlighting their values. We work on building a successful brand, our strategy relies on a long term plan and well thought steps based on the needs of the target audience and business goals. We bring to life the company’s concepts and ideas in the most appropriate format.



People these days do almost everything online including shopping which is the common practice among a wide range of people. Web design is critical when it comes to Ecommerce website. We use accurate colors, fonts, images and graphics to present your bussiness image in the best way, providing the visitors with a great user experience, driving them to make a purchase.


It is all about communicating and promoting products or services in an attractive and interesting way. Knowing that it is an important key for companies, marketing provides them with a way to share products and services with the public. We focus on the needs of your constomers, to smoothen the process of exchange of goods and services.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing

A marketing tool you use online. Marketing and design need to go together, since it is the bridge that connects your brand to your customers. We focus on integrating between marketing and design so we can leverage creative marketing design, including websites, logos, icons, video content, images, written content, social media pages..

Social media management

Dealing with social media requires both experience and education. Being on social media helps you grow your bussiness in an effective way and increase the number of new customers. The strategy we follow is to translate valueless online interaction into meaningful brand engagement, which requires careful alignment of business, marketing, social media and audience objectives.

Social media management
Interior Design

Interior Design

Our professional designers bring the brand to life, we have the creative capabilities to translate a company’s personality to visual design. Paying careful attention to logo design, color schemes, typography, and essential design principles, we create an impressive and affordable graphics that makes the website aesthetic, user-friendly, effective, and engaging.


An incridible tool for communication, animation is a great option for adding relevant visual content when you’re not able to photograph the real thing. Animation makes your content stand out, drive audience engagement, and enhance your overall marketing strategy. we make everything look easy, give your audience the advantage of better understanding and keep your brand in mind for a longer period of time.

Photography & Videography

Photography & Videography

Photography and videography provide photographs and videos for a variety of purposes including advertising, training, documentation, and employee communication. These services majorly contribute to advertising industry, by obtaining the attention of the costumers. By integrating photos and videos, we seek for rising the engagement on social media and websites, so the connection with your audience moves toward a complete different level.


Copywriting is everywhere, it is at the heart of just about any marketing strategy, creating everything from blog and article copy to social media content and product descriptions. We motivate people by writing convincing marketing and promotional material, stating why your brand is unique and better than others.
